Hola luchonas! Part of taking care of your self involves feeling your best. One of my focuses this year has been cutting down on my sugar intake and feeling great about myself! About three years ago, I decided to change my life by starting to focus more on my self (believe it or not, sometimes it takes 30+ years to realize that you need to do what is best for you). As I searched for best ideas to change my overall lifestyle, I found Sydney Cummings! She sure knows how to make your sweat every calorie that you had the morning of… or the night before….What’s amazing about watching her was that all of her videos are FREE. If you are ready to make a change in your physical self, I encourage you to check out her Youtube Channel. One 30 minute workout is an essential way to start off the day.

But, what happens after?

You, deserve to love yourself! how? by prioritizing self-care. Whoever said that was easy….no joke! First off, start your day with gratitude! Be thankful for everything that surrounds you, for your family, friends, your job, your home…etc.. This may seem like an easy to remember kinda task, but its actually not…it takes time to get this into a routine. Many times I have heard that the best thing to do is to wake up earlier so that you can truly maximize YOUR time and make it all about YOU! Do not dare grab that cell phone!

Self love sounds so easy….but when you think about it, you realize that nothing comes easy and everything takes time.

What to do first…..

Here are some things you can start with today:

  1. Sleep & Rest
  2. Wake up and be grateful
  3. Make healthy food choices (this one can be tricky)
  4. Drinking lots of water throughout the day
  5. Build an exercising schedule that works for you
  6. Only worry about the things that you can control
  7. Do something you love! (Yoga, photography, read a book, etc.)

While you focus on your well being, think about ways to reduce your stress. As a mom, there are so many things to think about…but remember, self love comes first.

My journey does not stop there, neither does yours…

Dream BIG, Stay Focused & Make it Happen!


Luvly Neni